Sunday, July 17, 2011

I did something mean :)

Today, I did something mean :)**GASP!!!** after a kiss with my boyfriend, I wouldn't speak a word. I can imagine how frustrating that was for him, (almost as frustrating as trying to type a blog post on a tiny little itouch keyboard!!!!) anyway, he was confused, befuddled, irrevocably astonished, call it what you want. But as I stood there leaned up against my car for a good ten minutes while he tried to figure out what the heck was going on, I thought to myself the mysteries of communication. What is it about talking to someone that makes you fall in love with them? Their voice? Their tone? The way they smile when they know they are going to say something that will make you laugh? Or is it the wonder in their voice when they ask a question, or the awkward tone that betrays them when they ask a question they know the answer to? Voices are an essential to a relationship. the way you talk to somebody makes them fall in love with you. I don't care if you're a 5'6" balding man, if you know how to talk to a woman, you will win her over everytime. Unless it's a shallow girl, disregard her, who would want to marry that anyway? Back to my story, I don't know how long I will keep this going on but I would love to see how not talking to my significant other for a week while only using gestures would affect our relationship.... I'll let you know how it goes!

About me :)

     Well it's always good to start off with names right? How about the name I gave to myself at 8? Chloe Powell. Yep, I'm really glad my parents refrained me from legally changing my name. I used to hate my name, Paige? I thought my parents were plain stupid for naming me an inatimate object. Why didn't you just name me pen or book or stapler I would ask my parents. I don't think it's too bad of a name now, just because I've seen other people with the name. I'm weird like that though, I only like things that are familiar to me.
       I look up to a lot of people in my life. Mostly the ones that have changed me for the better. I love classy people- the kind of people who are polite, well dressed, have good manners, great morals, and happy go lucky personalities. I am always striving to improve myself. And if there is a person in my life that is bringing me down or causing me unhappiness for an extended amount of time, I throw them out of my life. I do not have a very strong personality, I do not pick fights, and I can't stand to argue. If I'm right and you're wrong I'll tell you I'm right and defend it until you realize that I was right. If you're right and I'm wrong, I'll say I'm sorry and tell you that you were right. As long as you don't say "I told you so"- that bugs. I love working with people, there is nothing I'd rather do than see somebody else smile or feel good about themselves because of something I've done for them or said to them. That's why I keem my job at the Charleston Assisted Living Center. People give my the biggest thank you with a tear in their eye for sitting and talking to them! People at rest homes don't get the attention they need. How would you like to sit in a room all day alone, no family coming to visit you, just a nurse that brings you meals and will occasionally come in to take your laundry? Nobody wants that! Do something good today and go visit your 80 year old grandma, or atleast give her a call to let her know that somebody still cares about her.

All mine :)

There are only a few things in life you could say are completely yours. And well, I wanted this to be for only me, nobody else to read, only my thoughts, my experiences, and my life. I guess I sound kind of rebellious for wanting something only to myself, but hey, I've lived at home for 18 years and have always been told what I could and couldn't do- this blog though, I get to say whatever I feel like. Let me tell you- it feels pretty dang good. The only problem is I have a disliking to write. I love to write in my journal because I feel like nobody else is going to read it! But on here, this little post I've just written up of barely anything took me 8 minutes. Why? Because I have to read everything I just wrote and rewrite it- either to sound smarter or because I'm afraid something I said doesn't make sense, which happens a lot.... I have the problem of not being able to say what I really want to. It's like my mind and mouth are seperate beings.